San Benedetto del Tronto

From our Residence San Benedetto del Tronto is just 6 miles

San Benedetto del Tronto is 10 km south of Cupra Marittima; is one of the main coastal centers of the Adriatic seaside resort and is notorious and very admired, in addition to industrial and commercial center.

Although without natural inlets, at the beginning of the twentieth century has created a non-natural basin that is today one of the most important fishing ports in the Mediterranean sea.

Grottammare, like the town of Cupra Marittima, get a long beach of fine white sand, that slopes gently into the sea, characterized by shallow waters .
The waterfront is distinguished by its rich vegetation, shaped essentially by countless palm trees that grow on the beach. In the center there are numerous shops where you can go shopping. On Friday there is the main market and all the downtown streets are invaded by stalls .

A bike path along the beach, and in some places close to the sea, connects Grottammare to Cupra Marittima (5 km) and to San Benedetto del Tronto (10 km), including bars, bazaars and markets, and provides a pleasant day bicycle tours and scenic walks in the evening, refreshed by the sea breeze.
From our Residence you can reach San Bendetto del Tronto and Grottammare by car, by urban bus or by local train.

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