Chalet Il Porticciolo

Il Porticciolo is the discounted chalet for our customer of Stella Marina Residence.

Chalet-Restaurant “Il Porticciolo” is discounted for our customers of “Stella Marina”, on Cupra Marittima promenade.
Familiar and welcoming, characterized by a Mexican style, “Il Porticciolo” is a verandah on the beach.


At this chalet-restaurant you can enjoy the typical Mediterranean cuisine, mainly based on fish and the real Italian pizza.
Ideal for lunch or dinner, offers excellent aperitifs and cocktails served in a charming atmosphere.


One thing that certainly does not lack is the music.
“Il Porticciolo” is always a good proposal to listen to good live music, with a particular fondness for jazz. The small terrace on the beach has seen (during a long time) a series of local and international musicians. Different kinds, different cultures, but joined by musical quality of our proposal.



Lungomare Nazario Sauro, 7
63064 Cupra Marittima (AP) Italy
Phone: 0039 0735 777629

КАК ДОБРАТЬСЯ ДО Купра-Мариттима:

На МАШИНЕ: от A14, с юга Гроттаммаре заставой; с севера, с выходом на Педазо.

На АВТОБУСЕ da e per Roma, Napoli o Bologna: Autolinee Cardinali, Start SPA, Autolinee Roma-Marche.

На ПОЕЗДЕ: ж/д вокзал di Купра-Мариттима (o San Benedetto del Tronto)

На САМОЛЕТЕ: аэропорт городаАнкона или Пескара

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